Just dragged yourself through another torrential downpour and still mopping the water out of your hair? Yep, that’s the British summer for you – but our cousins across the pond are currently in the midst of a heatwave so warm, they’re using thermal cameras to show how hot slides are!
It’s hard to imagine, staring out the window at yet another dreary July day here in Britain, but areas in West Michigan, USA are currently suffering in heat of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
As the heat escalates around the states, firefighters from the area have begun warning residents of West Michigan to take extreme care when doing something as simple as touching a car, which under the heat of the sun can reach up to 200 degrees.
They’ve also been out and about with their thermal cameras to show how something as simple as a child’s slide can get absolutely red hot when left under the sun, meaning parents in the states should take extreme care letting their children play out in the heat.
"This stuff sitting out in the sun all day long just absorbs all that heat and the direct sunlight will eventually heat everything up obviously," said Cascade Fire Lieutenant Tim Baker.
The analysis, which used a thermal camera to flag up what was hot and what isn’t, also found that the slide tested was around 200 degrees, said to be hot enough to ‘boil flesh’.